Infinite Scroll

A component to load more data when user scroll on the screen.
# Attributes
nextfunctiona function which must be called after reaching the bottom. It must trigger some sort of action which fetches the next data. The data is passed as children to the InfiniteScroll component and the data should contain previous items too. e.g. Initial data = [1, 2, 3] and then next load of data should be [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].
hasMorebooleanit tells the InfiniteScroll component on whether to call next function on reaching the bottom and shows an endMessage to the user.
childrenReactNode[]the data items which you need to scroll.
dataLengthnumberset the length of the data.This will unlock the subsequent calls to next.
loaderReactNodeyou can send a loader component to show while the component waits for the next load of data. e.g. <h3>Loading...</h3> or any fancy loader element.
scrollThresholdnumber | stringA threshold value defining when InfiniteScroll will call next. Default value is 0.8. It means the next will be called when user comes below 80% of the total height. If you pass threshold in pixels (scrollThreshold="200px"), next will be called once you scroll at least (100% - scrollThreshold) pixels down.
onScrollfunctiona function that will listen to the scroll event on the scrolling container. Note that the scroll event is throttled, so you may not receive as many events as you would expect.
endMessageReactNodethis message is shown to the user when he has seen all the records which means he's at the bottom and hasMore is false
classNamestring' 'add any custom class you want.
styleobjectany style which you want to override.
heightnumberoptional, give only if you want to have a fixed height scrolling content
scrollableTargetstring | ReactNodeoptional, reference to a (parent) DOM element that is already providing overflow scrollbars to the InfiniteScroll component. You should provide the id of the DOM node preferably.
hasChildrenbooleanchildren is by default assumed to be of type array and it's length is used to determine if loader needs to be shown or not, if your children is not an array, specify this prop to tell if your items are 0 or more.
pullDownToRefreshbooleanto enable Pull Down to Refresh feature
pullDownToRefreshContentReactNodeany JSX that you want to show the user, default={<h3>Pull down to refresh</h3>}.
releaseToRefreshContentReactNodeany JSX that you want to show the user, default={<h3>Release to refresh</h3>}.
pullDownToRefreshThresholdnumberminimum distance the user needs to pull down to trigger the refresh, default=100px , a lower value may be needed to trigger the refresh depending your users browser.
refreshFunctionfunctionthis function will be called, it should return the fresh data that you want to show the user.
initialScrollYnumberset a scroll y position for the component to render with.
inversebooleanset infinite scroll on top.
# Usage
import { NCard, NInfiniteScroll, NLoading } from 'nayan'; import React, { useState } from 'react'; const InfiniteScroll = () => { const [items, setItems] = useState(new Array(20).fill('')); const [isFetching, setIsFetching] = useState(false); const fetchNextPage = () => { setIsFetching(true); setTimeout(() => { const newItems = [...items, Array(20).fill('')]; setItems(newItems); setIsFetching(false); }, 2000); }; return ( <NInfiniteScroll next={() => !isFetching && fetchNextPage()} hasMore={true} loader={<NLoading />} dataLength={items.length} scrollThreshold={0.99}> { any, index: number) => ( <NCard className="p-3 mb-3">Item {index}</NCard> ))} </NInfiniteScroll> ); }; export default InfiniteScroll;
# Demo
Item 0
Item 1
Item 2
Item 3
Item 4
Item 5
Item 6
Item 7
Item 8
Item 9
Item 10
Item 11
Item 12
Item 13
Item 14
Item 15
Item 16
Item 17
Item 18
Item 19