SEO Master

SEO Master is a powerful all-in-one tool developed to boost your website's visibility and rankings. With features like automatic sitemap generation, customizable robots.txt creation, SEO-optimized metadata, Image assets generation and seamless integration with major search engines, SEO Master simplifies the process of optimizing your site for search engines. Whether you're monitoring backlinks, improving page speed, or fine-tuning on-page SEO, SEO Master offers everything you need to achieve top search engine performance., Checkout SEO Master NPM Library

✨ Features

  • ⌨️ Framework-Agnostic Integration: Easily integrates into any framework with simple commands.
  • 🌈 Automatic Sitemap Generation: Creates sitemaps with domain-specific crawling.
  • πŸ›‘ Customizable Robots.txt Creation: Generate a fully customizable robots.txt file.
  • 🌍 Image Asset Creation: Automatically create all the necessary image assets for your website.
  • πŸ“¦ SEO-Optimized Metadata Generation: Generate metadata to boost your website’s SEO.
  • βš™οΈ Search Engine Integration: Works with all major search engines for seamless optimization.
  • 🎨 SEO Resource Validation: Validate key SEO elements like sitemaps, robots.txt, metadata, and other assets.

πŸ•Ή Sitemaps Creation and Validation

# Simple generation usage:
npx seo-master create sitemap -w
# Advanced generation Usage:
npx seo-master create sitemap --website --depth 10 --changefreq daily --output ./sitemap.xml
You can also use the shorter version of this command.
npx seo-master create sitemap -w -d 10 -f daily -o ./sitemap.xml
You can also integrate Sitemaper with your localhost
npx seo-master create sitemap -w http://localhost:3000 -r -d 10 -f daily -o ./sitemap.xml
this case it crawl your localhost URL and replace it with replacement URL.
# Attributes
Website URL--website / -wstringPass website base URL to start crawling.
Replacement Website--replacer / -rstringPass replacement URL to replace crawled url, this will be mostly useful to crawl localhost and replace it with original URL..
Crawling depth--depth / -dnumber10Pass depth to let the generator know how depth it need to crawl.
Change frequency--changefreq / -fstringdailyPass change frequency to let the generator know how frequently your content change, possible options are always, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, never.
Output--output / -ostring./sitemap.xmlPass output to let the generator know where to keep generated sitemap.
# Sitemap validation usage:
Validate your sitemap both local and through URL.
npx seo-master validate sitemap --input ./sitemap.xml
You can also use the shorter version of this command.
npx seo-master validate sitemap -i ./sitemap.xml
You can also validate sitemap.xml of your live website by passing URL.
npx seo-master validate sitemap --input --isremote true
# Attributes
Input sitemap--input / -istring./sitemap.xmlPass input sitemap to let the generator know where to find and validate sitemap.
Is Remote--isremote / -irbooleanfalsePass isremote true / false to the tool to know if its a local file or remote URL.

πŸ•Ή Robots.txt Creation and Validation

# Robots.txt creation:
npx seo-master create robots --allowed /home,/about --disallowed /admin,/security --sitemap --output ./robots.txt
You can also use the shorter version of this command.
npx seo-master create robots -a /home,/about -d /admin,/security -s -o ./robots.txt
# Attributes
Allowed paths--allowed / -astringPass allowed links to allow search engines to crawling.
Disallowed paths--disallowed / -dstringPass dis allowed links to restrict search engines from crawling.
Sitemap--sitemap / -sstringPass site map URL of your website.
Output--output / -ostring./sitemap.xmlPass output to let the generator know where to keep generated sitemap.
# Robots.txt validation:
Validate your Robots.txt both local and through URL.
npx seo-master validate robots --input ./robots.txt
You can also use the shorter version of this command.
npx seo-master validate robots -i ./robots.txt
You can also validate robots.txt of your live website by passing URL.
npx seo-master validate robots --input --isremote true
# Attributes
Input Robots.txt--input / -istring./robots.txtPass input robots.txt to let the generator know where to find and validate robots.txt.
Is Remote--isremote / -irbooleanfalsePass isremote true / false to the tool to know if its a local file or remote URL.

πŸ•Ή Meta tags Creation and Validation

# Meta tags creation:
This will create an index.html file with all the required meta tags required for optimised SEO. once its generated you can copy generated content and change content as per your needs.
npx seo-master create metatags
# Meta tags validation:
npx seo-master validate metatags --website
You can also use the shorter version of this command.
npx seo-master validate metatags -w
# Attributes
Website URL--website / -wstringPass website link to validate meta tags required for SEO.

πŸ•Ή Image Assets & Favicon creation

This will create all the required images and favicons for your website so you no need to remember all the sizes required and edit them manually.
We recommend input image is at least of 512X512 resolution for better results.
npx seo-master create images --image ./logo.png
You can also use the shorter version of this command.
npx seo-master create images -i ./logo.png
# Attributes
Input Image--image / -istring./logo.pngPass input image to generate all required assets.
Output directory--output / -ostring./imagesPass output directory to keep all the generated images.

πŸ–₯ Future plans

  • [x] Create SEO Master CLI tool to generate and validate sitemaps efficiently.
  • [x] Create SEO Master CLI tool to generate and validate robots.txt efficiently.
  • [x] Create SEO Master CLI tool to generate and validate meta tags for your website.
  • [x] Create SEO Master CLI tool to generate image assets for your website.
  • [ ] Support multiple sitemaps if website is bigger than certain limit.
  • [ ] Create a web application to automatically generate and submit sitemaps to search engines on a schedule.

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