
A link to show with all of customizations.
# Demo
This is a sample paragraph with some Link.
This is a sample paragraph with some custom styled Link.
# Attributes
classNamestring' 'You can customise by passing tailwind classes.
childrenstring | ReactNodeRequiredYou can pass link content as children.
hrefstring' 'You can pass href to render anchor element.
onClick() => voidYou can get callback when link element clicked.
# Usage
import { NLink } from 'nayan'; const Link = () => { return ( <div> <div className="text-text"> This is a sample paragraph with some <NLink>Link</NLink>. </div> <div className="text-text"> This is a sample paragraph with some custom styled <NLink className="text-red-700">Link</NLink>. </div> </div> ); }; export default Link;