
Sitemaper is a powerful sitemap generator designed to simplify the process of creating accurate and efficient sitemaps for websites. It crawls through your site, maps its structure, and generates an optimized sitemap, helping improve SEO and site visibility. With customizable options for depth, frequency, and output paths, Sitemaper is a versatile tool for developers and site owners aiming to keep their web presence indexed properly.

✨ Features

  • ⌨️ Framework Agnostic Integration.
  • 🌈 Automatic Sitemap Generation.
  • 🛡 Supports Large Websites.
  • 🌍 Domain Specific Crawling.
  • ⚙️ Customizable Crawling Depth.
  • 📦 Customizable Output Path.
  • 🎨 Flexible Change Frequency.

🕹 Usage

npx sitemaper --website --depth 10 --output ./sitemap.xml --changefreq daily
You can also use the shorter version of this command.
npx sitemaper -w -d 10 -o ./sitemap.xml -f daily
You can also integrate Sitemaper with your localhost
npx sitemaper -w http://localhost:3000 -r -d 10 -o ./sitemap.xml -f daily
# Attributes
--website / -wstringhttps://www.nayanui.comPass website base URL to start crawling.
--replacer / -rstringPass replacement URL to replace crawled url, this will be mostly useful to crawl localhost and replace it with original URL..
--depth / -dnumber10Pass depth to let the generator know how depth it need to crawl.
--output / -ostring./sitemap.xmlPass output to let the generator know where to keep generated sitemap.
--changefreq / -fstringdailyPass change frequency to let the generator know how frequently your content change, possible options are always, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, never.

🖥 Future plans

Create a web application to automatically generate and submit sitemaps to search engines on a schedule.

🤝 Contributing

🌈 Tags